free of charge. No registration necessary.
Is your home office a mess again? Would you like to appear more professional in digital meetings? Or exchange your contact details directly in a call? We have a solution for you.
Create your personal background for Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video conferencing app with oneVcard .
Select a background, personalize it and download it. Then simply add the video conference background to Zoom or MS Teams. That's it!
Create background nowThe COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how important it is to be able to work remotely from home. People often forget how important a professional appearance is for you and your company. With a virtual background from oneVcard , you can present your brand and share your digital business card, a social profile or the presentation of the last kick-off event.
Create a free backgroundVirtual backgrounds and digital business cards are the perfect combination. Link your oneVcard business card to a virtual background and share your contact details in video conferences.
Link between the virtual background and your digital business card via the QR code.
Scan QR code
Show contact details
Enter data
Select template
Save & set up
Do you want your employees to appear professional in video conferences? No problem. We automatically create personalized virtual backgrounds for each of your employees with their name, your company and a specific QR code. You decide which link the QR code should point to. Link digital business cards from oneVcard, your website, files or the respective LinkedIn profile. You can either use one of our 6 templates as a background photo or we can use a photo provided by you.
You can find detailed instructions on how to set up your virtual background here: Open instructions
To do this, open the oneVcard app and navigate to the digital business card you want to link. Then click on the share icon and copy the URL to your profile. You can now create your virtual background here. Simply copy the URL into the "Link" field and enter "Show business card" as the name, for example.
Don't worry, only you will see the background mirrored. People with whom you have a call will see you and your background correctly.
Yes, with our Premium plan you can create virtual backgrounds directly in the app
Yes, please send us a request with your wishes.
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